Northwoods Muskies Inc. provides membership with an engaging program, featuring youth, fisheries and research programs, meetings on and off the water, chapter outings and tournaments, and fundraisers. Our goals as a chapter is to further the mission of Muskies Inc., by involving more young anglers, promoting conservation and getting more fish in the lakes and rivers we all love. Your participation in our events is vital to our mission and we offer our deepest thanks.

- This event has passed.
2019 Gil Hamm Challunge
July 25, 2019 @ 8:00 am - July 28, 2019 @ 5:00 pm
- At least 1 member of each boat must attend the Orientation Meeting
- All registered muskies must be caught and released within the designated fishing times
- MI release points apply, 30″ minimum, 4 points for 30″ with 1 point added to each additional inch, example.. 40″ equals 14 points*Catch, Photo and Release required
- Releases are to be turned in by contacting the host Chapter main contact (TBA) or turned in after fishing times at host resort within allotted time. FISH REGISTRATION FORMS AND PHOTOS MUST BE TURNED IN THE DAY THE FISH WAS CAUGHT
- Team that scores the most accumulative points wins the Hamm and the Chapter that they represent will host the following year’s Gil Hamm
- Person must be registered in the Big Fish Award
- Fish must be caught during Hamm designated fishing times
- Two digital photos must be presented at time of turning in release
- Photo of muskie with person who caught it
- Photo must display with fish in horizontal hold
- Photo of muskie on a bump board to verify length
- Largest muskie by length wins the Big Fish Award
- In case of a tie, first muskie that was registered wins
- Please bring your USB cable for pictures to be downloaded to laptop for verification and for the slideshow