NorthWaters Chapter Challunge – Saturday October 15th

 In News and Press Releases

9th Annual NorthWaters Chapter Challunge – The 9th annual NorthWaters Chapter Challunge will be held Oct. 15th at the Sayner Pub.

The Headwaters Chapter will be the host this year. Form teams of 6 fishermen and fish any lake you want from 7am to 5 pm and then be at the Sayer Pub by 6 pm when we will have something to eat.  We will also have a big fish pot, $10 per boat or $5 per person if more or less than 2 people in a boat.   You need a photo of the fish for big fish pot.  Honor system on the rest of the fish.  Fish registration slip must be turned in to Musky Pete before 6 pm.  Slips will be available at the Sayner Pub.  No cost to fish.  MI members only.

                          Big Fish Pot$10/person

  1. Team #1: Names                                                                                                       Yes or NO
    1. ___________________________                                        
    2. ___________________________
    3. ____________________________
    4. ____________________________
    5. ____________________________ 
    6. ____________________________                                                            
  2. Team #2:      Names:
    1. ____________________________
    2. ____________________________
    3. ____________________________
    4. ____________________________
    5. ____________________________
    6. ____________________________

Must be e-mailed to Dale Peterson by Oct. 14th

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Northwoods Muskies Inc is based in Minocqua, Wisconsin. Please contact us for membership or sponsorship opportunities.

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